Saturday, May 29, 2010

Just playing around

Whoo Hoo!  I am just playing around with my new laptop.  I took advantage of my day off today and finally took my wireless router out of the box.  I've installed photoshop and now there will be no living with me.  I'm sitting on the couch, and scooting the occasional dog nose off the keyboard. 

This beautiful necklace was made by the wonderfully generous Carol Dean Sharpe aka Sandfibers.  The photo was taken last month while I was in New Mexico, enjoying the drive thru "The Land of Enchantment" and thinking about my favorite New Mexicans :-)  I truly truly love this necklace by Carol!  It makes me feel so elegant and like I'm wearing a big hug whenever I put it on.


  1. I'm so glad that you love and wear this :) And thrilled to know you wore in my Land of Enchantment - just wish I had been able to meet up with you while you were here. *hugs*

  2. Have fun with your laptop. We got ours a couple years ago after much resistance from me and now I don't know how we ever lived without it.

    That necklace is beautiful-especially because it was created by 2 beautiful women ;o)

  3. I am sitting here right now typing this with a wireless connection. Oh how I love being on the sofa and the internet. I too have to ocassionally push a dog nose off the key board. But isn't it fun? I love Carol Dean's bead work and she did a splendid job with your cab!

  4. I love playing with new stuff- by stuff I mean laptops, gadgets, phones, etc... :)

    PS. love the necklace.


Your comments are much appreciated