Saturday, February 20, 2010

Split Complimentary Color Scheme Challenge

Yesterday I announced the start of the Split Complimentary Color Challenge.
I am not going to repeat all the details here, but I didn't want anyone to miss it. All the details are on the Beads-of-Clay Blog here--

I made these example with some of my new beads from my recent firings.... The kiln is humming now with some more new work. I didn't really expect to load the kiln up again so soon, but I needed to finish up my test pieces for my workshop tomorrow--- so that meant glazing an entire kiln load, because I am unable to fire an "empty" kiln. Silly me! Anyway-- that means even more new work for next weekends Show :-)
I hope everyone is having a fun Saturday! I hope to take some photos at the workshop tomorrow, and I also hope to run into a fellow Beads-of-Clay member there :-)


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Hi Kristie! I didn't forget about the split-complementary challenge...just got my piece out to flickr tonight! Hope the parsnips were lovely and you're ready for a great weekend! Jen


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