Saturday, February 13, 2010

Our winners! My day

Last night I posted a quick link to my Artisan Clay Facebook Fan page. I added a comment/Suggestion box feature to the blog and I needed to test it out because we are thinking of adding it to another site. So the first person who left a suggestion in my new box won... We have 2 winners cause I'm a softy (and I so love feedback) Melissa and Marcie you will be getting a surprise in the mail. Melissa-- can you please send me an etsy convo with your address?
And also, here is my Distlefink. I love it! Keep in mind it is a big barn sign, and I have it on my kitchen wall.... I have a bunch of them in my kitchen. OK, so the special thing I hinted about is my birthday. It's a round number this year, and today I am happy about it. I have reached my goals with tons of surprises which I never would have planned for myself sneaking in along the way. This past year has been a lot of transition, and I am happier in my work that I have been in previous years. I suppose it is time for new goals and new surprises, and CAKE!

On a side note, something has gone wrong with my computer today and tech support is off for the weekend, so I will be slow to respond. I can't use the Internet at all right now. I hope it is just a little trouble from all the ice on the lines from this big storm.


Your comments are much appreciated