Monday, April 11, 2011

I'm still here! and Etsy shop clearance....

I made a Clearance section in my etsy shop today.   Everything is listed a wholesale pricing or better.... these things have been lingering at the back of my etsy shop for a while and at the end of the week they will disappear forever.  So... If you want them, get them while you can.

I've been really quiet the past week or two.  There were a few things I told myself I needed to take care of before I could blog and etsy again. 

1)Taxes....oh the taxes....  I have finished my part and the tax lady will do the rest in an hour or so. 

2)And then there is the situation of my beaders' butt.... yep, It's been getting worse these past few years as I have switched mostly to online sales verses doing all the set up and tear down of shows almost every weekend.   It's funny, but the set up and tear down really was good exercise.   So last week I got back on the wagon.  I joined weight watchers again.  I joined the first time 10 years ago.  Things have changed.  I hope I do well.  20 pounds-- It's a lot.  I have a really crazy sugar addiction and when on a diet, I think of nothing else.  So.... this may be the all food talk all the time blog, because I'm hooked on the junk!   I find it takes a lot of time cooking for yourself to lose weight.  I'll be obsessed for at least the next 3 months , look forward to it ;-)

3) The garden:  I usually have a lot of stuff planted around St Patricks Day.....  This year I didn't really get to it until last weekend.  So now I have potatoes and peas and sugar snap peas and lettuces and onions and a couple of Blueberry bushes planted.  I also got to meet a new friend.  Jenn is a organic vegetable farmer/ ginormous pumpkin grower wizard.  She showed me around her greenhouse and gave me a great couple of lessons on starting/ transplanting seedling.  She showed me around her garden and we talked about driving your own business, talking business with customers and we talked about how be both have second jobs now but still drive our own businesses to do better etc...   Then every day I've been messing around with my seedlings and garden. 

4) and then there's the next trunk show.... It's a double--- I've been working on new standard sized donuts, YAY!  they'll be done soon.  and.... now that my portion of the taxes are done, I jumped out of bed and glazed some beads and loaded them up, and the kiln is firing right now.

OK!  Tax time!   Check out my clearance sale on etsy before next Monday!


  1. Isn't it such a relief to have the taxes done. I was hold up with them far too long. Your garden sounds like it is coming right along. I did some planting but think the birds got the seeds. Will try again. As soon as the howling winds and rains stop!!

  2. I sprinkle a liberal dose of desserts in my blog posts...if you need a little taste without bringing them home you can always stop by :) Congrats on being done your taxes and good luck with the garden!

  3. Oh Mary! Thank you! I keep forgetting to cover my peas! Someone always steals the seeds if I don't cover them with something! I can feel the warm weather coming :-)

    Thanks Mellisa!

  4. I know what you mean about the junk food! I think I'm heading into my 4th week now without having any candy or cookies! I thought after 2 weeks I'd have broken the craving but everytime I see an M&M it's like an internal battle!


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